Как по будет моя фея мою фею зовут аннабель .она любит мороженое с клубникой и с шоколадом. у неё есть питомец . белая кошка . аннабель хорошая и добрая фея
My fairy. My fairy's name is Annabel. She likes ice cream with strawberry and chocolate. She has a pet. Her per is white cat. Annabel is nice and kind fairy.
У меня есть кот. Его зовут Борис. Он мне очень нравится, несмотря на то, что это очень наглый кот. У него белая и рыжая шерсть, пушистый хвост и длинные усы. Это молодой и живой кот, словно мячик. Борис всегда хочет есть! Он любит рыбу и сметану. Я люблю его гладить, а он мурлычет от удовольствия.
I have a cat. His name is Boris. I like it very much, although it is a very impudent cat. He has white and red hair, a bushy tail and long whiskers. It is a young and active cat, like a ball. Boris always wants to eat! He loves fish and sour cream. I love to stroke him and Boris purrs content with pleasure.
37 Jane asked the children if they were hungry. 38 Dan asked if my friend lived in London. 39 She asked if I liked Benny Hill. 40 He demanded to know why she wouldn’t let him in. 41 The teacher asked if we knew who had broken the window. 42 He told the boy to go on. 43 The doctor told Mary to sit down. 44 Denny’s father told him not to be late. 45 The officer ordered the soldiers not to shoot. 46 The receptionist asked us to leave the key on the desk. 47 She warned him not to go near the dog. 48 Julia apologized for being late. 49 She promised to phone every week. 50 Jack thanked us for our help.
My fairy's name is Annabel. She likes ice cream with strawberry and chocolate. She has a pet. Her per is white cat. Annabel is nice and kind fairy.