Недавно перед на моих глазах случилась автокатастрофа. я сидела с друзьями и вдруг слышу громкий грохот. мы побежали посмотреть что же там оказывается на железной дороге произошла авария. поезд сбил легковую машину. на этом же месте где мы стояли через 5 минут стояли машину из полиции и скорые. к сожалению женщина не выжила. и этот случай научит нас осторожности и осмотрительности recently, before my eyes there was a crash. i was sitting with my friends and suddenly i hear a loud rumbling. we ran to see what happened is on the railway accident. a train hit a car. at the same place where we stood 5 minutes stood in the car from the police and an ambulance. unfortunately, the woman did not survive. and this case will teach us caution and diligence
How i imagine my future? i have no single-valued answers, but i'll try to explain you my thoughts. now i tell you my point of view. to my mind, the all our fears realized in future. i have several theories on this matter: 1)the robots rise and killed all people 2) the third world war will begin and will wipe humanity from the face of the earth 3) the humans craped our planet and we all died 4) the aliens came from deep space and split up our planet 5) the asteroid collide to earth, so we also all die it was a "bad" theories, now tell about "goods". i mean that i be the happiest man in the world. i hope, that in future all my nowdays problems have no matter for me, all my foes are loose and i will prevail about all my fears and problems. so, it is be my view of ideal future.