study English for one would be in the future I could find a good job,sink into a good University.This will help me in life if I go abroad.English is the main language in Europe and its study will help me to communicate there with people.
Уменя есть хобби - баскетбол. я занималась в течение 5 лет. я его любила. 3 раза в неделю играю в баскетбол с тренером и мои друзья. на следующей неделе это будет важным для конкуренции или команды. мы назвали "" я думаю, у нас есть большие шансы выиграть. мои мама и папа всегда приходят посмотреть на наши игры и слушать нас. они действительно мне. я думаю, что баскетбол - это круто спорта. это действительно интересные, удивительныеi have a hobby is basketball. i worked for 5 years. i loved him very much. 3 times a week and play basketball with the coach and my friends. next week it will be important for competition or command. we named "" i think we have great chances to win. my mom and dad always come to watch our games and listen to us. they really help me. i think that basketball is very cool sport. it's really interesting, amazing.
The climate in kazakhstan is quite favorable, which enables many members of the animal kingdom to dwell in this particular area. in kazakhstan many mountains, which contribute to the diversity of the animal world. in the mountains and ravines there are many different family and invertebrate predators. due to the temperate climate, abundant rainfall and good flora in animals, habitats which became kazakhstan, practically no food shortages. adults have a great opportunity to grow up healthy offspring, which is not exhausted, and after a short period of time can start an independent livelihoods. in kazakhstan there are a large number of wild animals that live in mountain areas, these animals have a good rest in peace and thick hair to carry out a successful hunt in the mountains, because there is quite a low temperature. many breeders often discover new species in kazakhstan, because the area is quite large and the development of the animal world is happening rapidly. among the representatives of insects in kazakhstan found a huge amount of ground beetles, rove beetles, beetles, butterflies, ants and bees. there are more than 245 vertebrate species. the rivers and streams of kazakhstan large number of fish of different semeystv.imenno in kazakhstan, home to rare reptiles, which include: danatinskaya toad central asian frog, lizard colored, alai gololaz, copperhead snake, vipers, snakes and other animals. in the mountainous regions of kazakhstan have the opportunity to meet these mammals rock white-toothed shrew, shrew tien shan, tien shan birch mouse, gray marmot, pika red, stone marten, snow leopard, mountain goat, fox, bears, wolves, red deer, roe deer, wild boar. this site also live very rare wildlife species: indian porcupine, pallas' cat, tien shan brown bear, turkestan lynx.