My sobrali vsyu nashu rozh'.
2. Krupnyy rogatyy skot pasetsya na pole.
3. Yesli vy ispol'zuyete khorosheye semya, eti polya prinesut mnogo.
4. Gryzuny yedyat mnogo kukuruzy, khranyashcheysya v saraye.
5. Plodorodnyye pochvy khoroshi dlya zemledeliya.
6. Molochnyye produkty proizvodyatsya na molochnoy fabrike.
A place where life is in full swing and never stands still. This is the place where you are from morning to evening, school becomes a second home for every child.
In any school, lessons begin around eight in the morning and before lunchtime. They teach you to be polite and helpful. Only here you can find bosom friends who can go with you all the way and remain faithful in life. Each child for the teacher is a person with his own thoughts and ideas.
On the very first day, this is the first of September, school doors greet children of all ages. All of them with flowers and smiles enter the classrooms and are ready to hear the first bell. Someone goes for the first time, and someone goes to the last academic year. Large bows, white blouses and shirts, backpacks and serious faces of first-graders bring a smile, because they embark on a new life path with all their seriousness and perseverance.
Various events are held throughout the school year: games, theater, and discos. And the school New Year's holidays cannot be forgotten. Disguised teachers as Santa Claus and Snow Maiden entertain the assembled schoolboy. A huge Christmas tree with toys made by the children from the elementary grades are dancing in round dances. It is very pleasant to realize that after such a holiday, the children will have a winter vacation and a sea of wonders and entertainment.
Children also love spring time, as the longest and warmest summer holidays will begin soon. After all, they are full of fun, joy and sun.
Throughout life, the school time is never forgotten, as it is the brightest part of life and the formation of character. School years do not fly by noticeably, and only pleasant memories and funny stories make us miss this carefree time. After all, these are the times of youth, first love, first steps in various directions.
Можно лучший ответ)
The best trip I’ve ever had in my life was to France. Although it happened two years ago, but I still recall this wonderful time with a great pleasure. I went there with two of my friends and it was really the right decision, because we travelled by coach and the journey took a long time. We were playing cards on the way, singing songs and joking all the time. As we arrived we checked in a hotel not far from the center. We were exhausted but in a good mood.
The first day in Paris was fantastic. It was a bus tour around the city called Open Tour. We got on a bus at the nearest stop. It was amazing that it stopped in front of all sights, so we could get off and walk around the most famous places. We took thousands of photos of Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Arch of Triumph and other monuments. We were impressed by the number of tourists and the beauty of the places we visited. We spent 4 other days in Paris, but this first time our impressions were thrilling
Краща подорож в моєму житті була у Франції. І хоча це було два роки тому, я все ще згадую цей чудовий час з величезним задоволенням. Я їздила з двома друзями та це було дійсно правильне рішення, тому що ми подорожували на автобусі й поїздка зайняла багато часу. В дорозі ми грали в карти, співали пісні і весь час жартували. По приїзду ми зареєструвалися в готелі неподалік від центру. Ми були виснажені, але в хорошому настрої.
Перший день в Парижі був відмінний. Це був автобусний тур під назвою Open Tour. Ми сіли в автобус на найближчій зупинці. Було чудово, що автобус зупинявся у всіх пам'яток, тому ми могли вийти і прогулятися по найвідоміших місцях. Ми зробили тисячі фотографій Ейфелевої вежі, Лувру, Тріумфальної арки та інших пам'ятників. Ми були вражені кількістю туристів і красою місць, які ми відвідали. Ми провели ще 4 дні в Парижі, але в цей перший день наші враження були просто захопливими.
1)Мы собрали всю нашу рожь.
2)Крупный рогатый скот пасется на поле.
3)если вы используете хорошие семена то вырастет много урожая.
4) грызуны едят много кукурузы хранящиеся в сарае
5) плодородные почвы лучшие для земледелия
6) молочные продукты производятся на молочной фабрике