1. Do you like the new movie made by Quentin Tarantino? I must admit that he really impressed me.
2. I do not like movies with a predictable storyline.
3. On vacation, many people can relax and feel lazy.
4. There is nothing better than a feeling of freedom and happiness.
5. Some retailers set dishonest prices for goods.
6. Brad Pitt starred in my favorite movie Legends of the Fall.
7. You should pre-book your tickets in order to choose the best seats.
8. The musical "Juno and Avos" - a hit in sales at the box office.
9. The entire cast went on stage.
10. I do not care, the letter should be sent today.
11. Loud music was very annoying.12. The book "Angels and Demons" is a bestseller worldwide.
13. One of the ways to learn the language is to watch movies in the original with subtitles.
14. The soundtrack to the series "Santa Barbara" is easy to remember.
15. Shopping centers for many people as addiction.
What are you doing here? Что ты здесть делаешь?
Biology is my favourite lesson. Биология - мой любимый предмет.
His favourite sport is hockey. Его любимый спорт - хоккей.
Whose book is this? Чья это книга?
She has a cat called Masha. У нее есть кошка, которую зовут Маша.
She is a friend of mine. Она - мой друг.
What do you think about new play? Что ты думаешь о новой постановке?
I don't think this is a good idea. Я не думаю, что это хорошая идея.
Would you like some tea? Не хотели бы Вы чаю?