Springtime is a wonderful season. The warm sun shines and melts winter ice and snow. Nature begins to awake. All the trees and bushes are covered with small buds that get bigger and bigger and after some time turn into young green leaves. Then everything begin to blossom, flowers are everywhere. We can hear the birds singing and smell the sweet aroma of blooming trees.
The weather is fine almost all the time. It’s not hot, that’s why we go for a walk with great pleasure. Sometimes it rains in spring and the air gets filled with the odour of the wet ground. Thуn the first springtime storm comes with bright flashes of lightning and thunder. It makes the ground fertile so that in summer and autumn we can enjoy fruits and vegetables from our gardens.
У меня был тяжелый деньI had a hard dayЯ пошел спать поздноI went to bed very lateНа следующий день я встал очень раноThe next day I got up very earlyЯ пошел в школу, и у меня было шесть уроковI went to school and had six lessonsЯ встретил своих друзейI met my friendsЯ был очень счастливI was very happyОни рассказали мне новости о компьютерных играхThey told me the news about computer gamesЯ услышал много интересной информацииI heard lots of useful informationЯ чувствовал себя очень хорошоI felt very goodЯ ушел из школы в два часа дняI left school at two o’clock in the afternoonЯ пообедалI had dinnerЗатем я делал мое домашнее заданиеThen I did my homeworkЯ вышел погулять вечеромI went out in the eveningЯ пришел домой очень поздно опятьI came back home very late againМои родители поговорили со мной очень сердитоMy parents spoke to me very angrily