You:hi,my name is he:hello,my name is you:nice to meet you he:nice to meet you you:where did you study before come here he:I study school you:I think you will be like our school he: I hope you:which subjects do you like? he:I like And you? you:I like
Дорогой Джим, Я надеюсь, ты хорошо начал новый учебный год. Я знаю, твой русский улучшится в твоей новой школе. Я уверен, что тебе понравится школа и твои новые одноклассники, потому что я хорошо их знаю.Я работал там, ты знаешь. И это было удовольствие для меня - учить русских мальчиков и девочек. Они очень схожи с английскими учениками: счастливые, умные и немного ленивые! Здесь, в Лондоне, твои одноклассники и я очень сильно скучаем. Без тебя сейчас здесь, в моем классе, 19 девочек и мальчиков. Как бы я хотел быть сейчас в России. Я говорил классу о моей остановке в этой большой и красивой стране. Я показал им несколько фотографий и описал каждого из моих русских учеников.
1) The famous symbol of non-verbal communication is thumb (thumbs) up that means "It's cool". 2) My sister became (is going to become) a body language expert because she want (wants) to help people know when someone is lying (врет, лжет). 4) The powers of persuasion must has people who want to become a magistrate or, perhaps, a famous politician. (A man who wants to become a magistrate or, perhaps, a famous politician must have the powers of persuasion. She was using all her powers of persuasion to induce Bill to remain in London.) 5) I try to improve my confidence in myself by communicating with different people and (in addition to it) I (am) going to (take) acting classes (курсы актерского мастерства) 6) When I (am) sad, my arms are crossed, I have a downturned mouth (my mouth is downturned) and I have my head down (I have a long face) . 7) His facial expression changed as soon as he heard the voice of Mary. (Mary's voice) 8) I hate when people invading (invade) my personal space. 10) Today I made (have made) a business deal of all my life. 11) A main attraction (One of the main attractions) in Saint Petersburg is (the!) Peter and Paul Fortress. 12) My mum adores to visit the exhibition (exhibitions) of hand-crafted (handcraft) goods. 13) Some centuries ago, american travelers to broaden (broadened) the horizons of our world. 14) Coming back to home (On our way home), we are sang (were singing) song (songs), laughed (were laughing) and swap (were swapping) stories about (from) our life. 15) Look (looking) at the gladiatoria (gladiators') fights was for him a common sight (a common sight for him). 16) If you know a foreign language, then you will not have language barriers (Knowledge of foreign languages will help you to surmount the language barriers. Language barriers hindered communication between scientists. I realized I had to surmount the language barrier.) 17) My cat doesn't hiss and scratch, then it's in high spirits. (When my cat is in high spirits, it doesn't hiss and scratch.)
he:hello,my name is
you:nice to meet you
he:nice to meet you
you:where did you study before come here
he:I study school
you:I think you will be like our school
he: I hope
you:which subjects do you like?
he:I like And you?
you:I like