Become a volunteer. You can help the unprotected segment of the population anywhere and always. For example, donate blood at transfusion stations and help hospitals with the same. It is possible to be Santa Claus or Snow Maiden in orphanages, and give sweets to orphans. Sell handmade products, and give the proceeds to public organizations.
Станьте волонтером. Вы можете незащищенным слоям населения всегда и везде. Например, сдавать кровь на станциях переливания и больницам тем же самым. В детских домах можно быть Дедом Морозом или Снегурочкой и дарить сладости сиротам. Продавайте изделия ручной работы, а вырученные средства отдавайте общественным организациям.
ответ: The house has four rooms.
2. There were two carpets on the floor.
3. I watched the movie yesterday.
4. Have they washed the dishes yet?
5. He has already made purchases.
Объяснение: Translate the words:
1.a cooker
3.central heating
4.a refrigerator
5.modern conveniences
6.a mirror
7.curtains on the window
8. a living room
9. a wall unit
10. a wardrobe
2. Make up sentences in and translate them:
1. Is/a mirror/wall/the/on/there – There is a mirror on the wall.
2. In/your/chairs/are/there/some/room. –
3. There/table/a big/is/in the/ dining room. –
4. My room/flowers/are/in/there/a lot of.-
5. Any/my room/in/are not/pictures/there. –
3. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct form (Past Simple, Present Perfect)
1. They just (to come) home.
2 Our team (to play) football last month.
3.Yesterday my mum and I (to go) to the theatre.
4. My father already (to build) his house.
5. I (not to do) my home task yet.
4. Fill in the gaps with is/ are/ was/ were
1.There ….. a big bed in the middle of the room.
2.There ….. bright curtains on the window ten years ago.
3.There ….. a black and white TV set in the flats forty years ago.
4.There …. a nice lamp on the table in my room.
5.There ….. eight chairs around the table.
6.There ….. beautiful pictures on the walls in the living room last year.
7.There ….. many desks and a blackboard in our classroom.
5.Translate the sentences
1. В доме есть четыре комнаты.
2. Было два ковра на полу.
3.Я смотрел фильм вчера.
4.Они уже помыли посуду?
5.Он уже сделал покупки.