Запиши в форме простого времени неправильные глаголы, которые тебе найти выход из лабиринта. tell , send, sleep, eat, becom, swim, ride, throw, read/ take, sing, find, have, get, do, steal, make, go
Dear Ben, Thank you for your letter. It is nice to hear from you again. I’d like to tell to you about some of my favorite books. I enjoy reading and I hope if you read Harry Potter you’ll enjoy it too. Harry Potter is a series of books that don’t ever get boring! I suggest you read them! Then, my favorite film is Charlie and the chocolate factory. It is very interesting. One of the main characters is played by Johnny Depp. I think he’s a great actor. I’d advise you to read books and watch films that have the best ratings and are popular amongst other teens.
1. Yesterday I went to the nearest shoe shop to buy a pair of shoes for country wear. Though there was a lovely collection of shoes there I couldn't choose any that suited me. So I had to go to another shop. 2. The Fine Arts Museum is not far from here. You needn't take the underground. You may just walk there. 3. Can I try on this blue raincoat? Certainly. Here is the fitting-room. 4. You must not smoke inside the Moscow Underground. 5. I will not be able to buy a shirt if I buy this suit. It's rather expensive. 6. When we went out of the Museum it was already a quarter to seven and our train was to start in half an hour. So we had to take a taxi not to miss the train. 7. My friend advised us to go to the State Department Store. He said we would be able to buy everything there. 8. If I must buy myself a raincoat today I will have to go shopping tomorrow as the day after tomorrow I'm leaving for the Caucasus. 9. Must we take the lift to the shoe department? No, you needn't. It's on the first floor. 10. When do you have to go to the holiday-home? I am to be there this Thursday. Oh, really? And have you already packed everything? Not, yet. My suit-case is very bad. I need to buy a new one to-day.