все мы надеемся на тёплые и солнечные деньки на выходных или во время них. большинство наших запланированных развлечений зависят от того, какая будет погода, так что важно знать заранее, чего от неё ожидать. в наше время метеорологи с современных технологий могут с спутников предсказать погоду во всём мире.
это всегда было не так уж и легко. в старые времена люди, чья работа во многом зависела от погоды, всегда находили как предсказать возможную погоду. моряки и фермеры начали разрабатывать методы для выяснения будет ли ветер или дождь. для этого они использовали все подручные средства, включая наблюдение за облаками, за поведением животных и проверку растений и почвы.
за все эти годы множество пословиц, стихов, анекдотов и рассказов создавались для того, чтобы людям подготовиться к погодным явлениям. многие высказывания до сих пор используются, чтобы точнее предугадывать погодные явления.
так что в следующий раз, планируя выходные за городом, за ночь перед выездом убедитесь что небо чистое и следите за тем, как ведет себя ваш питомец, чтобы узнать, будет ли погода приятной или нет!
thanks for your letter. sorry, i couldn’t answer at once, but i was really busy with my studies. i had missed a few lessons and had to spend all my weekend to prepare for the test.
and how are you doing? what about your brother’s book? is he going to publish it in the near time? tell him, i would love to buy his book if i saw it in a bookshop.
you ask me to tell you about my hobby. as for me, i like history best of all. i like to read, learn, and listen to the stories about the past. i think it gives us much knowledge to understand our modern life because everything goes round. you can mention that wars, crises recur every century or even a few times in a century. that’s why everybody learns history at school – we should know what to do if a strange situation occurs. but i must admit that the matter of periodicity of our history causes debates of different schools and scientists. for example, comte announced that our world progresses, but some events recur from year to year. opposite to him, weber said that every event is unique. really, i don’t know what to agree to. besides, history is much fun for me. if you have imagination, you can travel to ancient greece and to american wild west at the same day. i think it is a good way to spend your free time because it will give you much pleasure and help your mind and speech become more expressive. by the way, history influences all aspects of our life. i could tell you a little about the fashion of the last centuries! do you know that in the 18th century women had to put much make up on their skin to be as white as snow? and, probably, you have heard about the heavy dresses and corsets of the 19th century.
oh, i'm very glad you are trying to go into the world of the adult life and are going to work as a secretary. but won't it influence your school activity? you wrote to me that you had problems with physics. or have you worked to upgrade your marks? what's your parents’ attitude to this idea? as for me, you will really benefit from having a job if it doesn’t interfere with your studies.
well, i'd better go now, as i have to take my dog out for a walk.
please, write back. i am looking forward to your reply.
не знаю,так или не так. писала долго. и не сметь предъявлять претензий!