When the weather is hot, you can swim in a lake. When the weather is awful, I usually stay at home. When it's raining, don't forget your umbrella! When the weather is windy, you can fly a kite. When the snow is falling, you can make a snowman. When it's sunny, don't forget your hat! When it's cold, you should wear a sweater.
1 Where were your parents born? My parents were born in….(добавь где родились родители) 2 What time did you get up this morning? This morning I got up at 7 am 3 Have you ever met a famous person? No, I haven't 4 Do you look like your mother? Yes, I do / No, I don't (похожа или не похожа на маму) 5 What are you wearing at the moment? At the moment I'm wearing jeans and a T-shirt. (a skirt and a blouse / a dress) 6 How long have you been sitting in class? We have been sitting in class for 2 hours. 8. What were you doing when your mother came from work yesterday? I was doing my homework..
1. The woman said to her son that she was glad to be here. Женщина сказала сыну, что рада быть здесь. 2. Alec said that his friend lived in Moscow. Алек сказал, что его друг живёт в Москве. 3. He asked me who was the owner of the house. Он спросил меня, кто хозяин дома. 4. - 5. The architects said that they had decided to make the landscape the main feature of the project. Архитексторы сказали, что они решили сделать пейзаж главной особенностью проекта. 6. Mr. Collins said that I would work at the project next year. Мистер Коллинз сказал, что я буду работать над проектом в следующем году. 7. -
А с вот этой темой (5 номер) у меня тотальные проблемы, объяснять не возьмусь, наломаю дров.
When the weather is awful, I usually stay at home.
When it's raining, don't forget your umbrella!
When the weather is windy, you can fly a kite.
When the snow is falling, you can make a snowman.
When it's sunny, don't forget your hat!
When it's cold, you should wear a sweater.