Исправьте ошибки. 1) ten childs live in this dormitory 2) i'll make photoes for you 3) what an interesting phenomena 4)two false tooths spoil her beautiful smile
Gym class I always like.It is not only fun,but also useful.When we sit for the other lessons we don't turn around don't talk do not give,and here we have an entire lesson. Can vyplesnut all the energy that is boiling. The lesson always begins with the building. Then run Yasmine, and surprisingly game.Tell me what lesson you can play the ball? There is no such you say,except physical education. Here and I about. This lesson will not be polls, long notes and twos for unfulfilled homework.And the building regulations, a joy.This, in turn, and rivalries with friends from class,and how physically developed you are.We all know that sports people are almost sick because you exercise. Gym class is always interesting.
1) The Present simple tense Настоящее простое время. Употребляется, когда описывается РЕГУЛЯРНОЕ ПОВТОРЯЮЩЕЕСЯ действие или постоянный признак. Формула - V1/Vs,es То есть , если he /she / it то это does , все остальное -do Слова спутники : every (day , week , month) - каждый день / неделю / месяц Usually обычно Always всегда Often часто Sometimes иногда Примеры: I go shopping every day. I often buy bread and milk. Отрицательные : I don't play the piano. She doesn't go to the cinema. Вопросы ( общие ): Do you go to school on Sunday ? Does he go to the swimming bath ? Специальные : When does she go to school ? Where do they play football ? НО : Who goes to school ?
2) The past Simple Tense простое время. Употребляется для описания однократного действия или повторявшегося регулярного действия , которое произошло в Формула : V2 , т.е. Вторая форма глагола Слова спутники : yesterday вчера A week ago неделю назад Last year / month / week в году / месяце / неделе Примеры : He ate porridge yesterday. He didn't eat meat yesterday. Did he eat porridge yesterday ? Why did he eat porridge ?
3) The Present Continuous tense Настоящее продолженное время Употребляется , если говорящий хочет сказать , что действие происходит в момент речи Формула : am / is / are +Ving Слова спутники : now сейчас At the moment в данный момент Примеры : I'm speaking English now. He is running in the yard now. I am not running now. Are you speaking English now ? What is he doing now ?
I'll make photos for you
What an interesting phenomen
Two false teeth spoil her beautiful smile