Угадай числа и напиши слова,укажи внизу,какие из них заканчиваются на- teen а какие на -tu vetwel venele tytwen teenfour teenfif teensix teenseven teeneigh teennine
2. I have got a cat. Helen has got a bike. Has Sam got a sister? Children have not got many toys. Has she got a puppy?
3. I am a pilot. Sam and Tom are pupils. They are from Africa. Nick and I are fine. Mr. Smith is a vet.
4. Yesterday evening Tom played tennis. They go to school every day. Helen is reading now. I had lunch yesterday. His friends are watching TV now.
5. 1) We don't go to shcool everyday. 2) Yesterday morning I dosn't cleaned my teeth. 3) He is watching TV now. 4) My sister doesn't help our mother about the house.
Tom was bored.He didn't want to watch TV or listen to the radio. He didn't want to use the computer. ''What can I do? I want to do something interesting." Tom's father had an idea. "I have an idea," his father said. "Why don't you collect coins? Coins are fun to collect. You see coins every day. Your uncle has got a fantastic coin collection. Some coins are from France, Canada, the USA and Japan. He is proud of his collection. You can get some information about other countries. Coin collecting is interesting. It makes a person happy."