Дорогой друг! Я хочу рассказать тебе про праздник масленица. Это мой любимый праздник. Потому что в этот день заканчивается суровая зима и наступает прекрасная весна. На празднике мы все вместе играем, поём песни, кушаем блинчики и сжигаем чучело. Я приглашаю тебя к нам на праздник который состоиться в конец февраля - начало марта. Напиши как сможешь. Буду ждать ответа. Твой друг (твоё имя) Dear friend! I want to tell you about the carnival holiday. This is my favorite holiday. Because on this day the harsh winter ends and a beautiful spring comes. On holiday, we all play together, sing songs, eat pancakes and burn a scarecrow. I invite you to us on a holiday that will take place in late February - early March. Write as you can. I'll wait for the answer. Your friend (Имя) Diana
1. He won't put this article up to three hours. 2. It will do the job until the end of the month. 3. Why is your friend not going to write until the evening? 4. You will finish reading this book tomorrow? 5. Will come true if my desire before the New year? 6. They'll be long gone by then. 7. No one will come here until the end of the day. 8. It will work in the garden when his wife gets home from work. 9. Mom's already lunch by the time I come home. 10. What will you do tomorrow? I'll do lessons for up to two hours, and then the whole day I would be watching TV. 11. As soon as my friend returns home, it will start to work on the report. He would write it up to ten hours. 12. Don't call him tomorrow at five. He will be very busy at this time. He will discuss the important question. 13. A telegram will come when you will not be waiting for her.