I go to school in order to achieve something in life. It is in the school, I was taught how to write, count, and develop logical thinking. In school, we explain the different topics that will be useful to us in life. If we did not go to school, people would have been illiterate and disabled. All that we know today, everything we gave school. We need to appreciate and love the school and our teachers.
Суть задания написать другу , у которого возникли проблемы с соседом по комнате/квартире Надо написать про : - рассказать ей или ему об отношениях любого человека с тем, с кем он делит свою комнату - объяснить, из-за чего могут возникнуть конфликты - как их решать - и как их избегать Hello, dear Alex. I`m glad to get your letter. How are you? Your family? I`m doing well. After my studying my family is going to the seaside . I have been waiting for that moment since the beginning of the school year . When I read your letter , I could remember that I had the same problem as you last summer. Well, you know, relationship between any person in our life is very important . And it`s more when you have to live with someone , though, that's quite difficult but it is possible to communicate well. When you spend quite a lot of time with a person , you have more reasons to quarrel with each other. But you always are able to solve and much more better is to avoid them. People are individual , everyone has his own character , mentality and so on. But, unfortunately , our fate brings us surprises and we need to work, to talk to, to ,what is worse ,share a room with someone you don't like. I really had the problem like that when I was in a summer camp . First days we always had a row but we started to find the answer for our unpleased situation . Remember that one always can solve any problem in his life, one only needs to have a try . It doesn't matter who was innocent , any way try to make friends again , do it first. To have a nice mood and less problems you should to run out of quarrels because no one needs that , no one likes that and no one wants that . We aren't ideal so one should be blind to tiny annoyed things that your conversation mate has . Better is to improve yourselves so find any interesting hobby you both like do it at once you start getting angry or something approximate . Our life is too short to spend it for such stupid and negative things like rows. I hope you would be closer to your friend you share your room with. With best wishes, Your friend ...(Ваше имя)
Представлен диалог на английском языке с переводом на тему "Друзья (Friends)".
По-английски Перевод на русский Adelina: How is your new school, Mary? Do you like it?
Аделина: Как твоя новая школа, Мэри? Она тебе нравится?
Mary: Yes, I do. I've already made lots of friends there. Мэри: Да. Я уже нашла для себя много друзей там.
Adelina: Are they all your new classmates? Аделина: Они все твои новые одноклассники?
Mary: Some of them are from my class and some are not. I even have a couple of friends who are older than me. Мэри: Некоторые из них из моего класса, а некоторые нет. У меня даже есть пара друзей, которые старше меня.
Adelina: Who is your best friend now? Аделина: Кто теперь твоя лучшая подруга7
Mary: Her name is Arina. She is my classmate. She is very nice and friendly. Each time I need help she is there to help me. It's not easy to adapt to new conditions and people you know. It takes some time and she helped me a lot. Мэри: Ее зовут Арина. Она моя одноклассница. Она очень милая и дружелюбная. Каждый раз когда мне нужна она мне Как ты знаешь, нелегко привыкнуть к новой атмосфере и людям. На это требуется время и она мне очень
Adelina: I see. Well, I wish you didn't move that far. You always helped me with Maths. I'm not very good at it. Аделина: Понятно. Как бы я хотела, чтобы ты не переезжала так далеко. Ты всегда мне с математикой. Она мне не очень хорошо давалась.
Mary: Yes, I remember. And you helped me with Biology and Physics. Мэри: Да, я помню. А ты мне с биологией и физикой.