Эти предложения в прямой речи перевести в косвенные. 1)i go to school every day. (present simple) 2)i went to school yesterday. (past simple) 3)i will go to school tomorrow. (future simple) 4)i am going to school now. (present continuous) 5)i was going to school when the phone rang. (past continuous) 6)i will be going to school tomorrow from 10 a.m. till 11. (future continuous) 7)i have just gone to school. (present perfect) 8)i had gone to school and after that i went for a walk. (past perfect) 9)i will have gone to school by the end of the week. (future perfect.) 10)i have been going to school since 2006. (present perfect continuous) 11)i had been going to school for 10 years before i finished it. (past perfect continuous) 12)by the end of 2015 i will have been going to school for 10 years. (future perfect continuous.)
english the beginning of the year. In the past, in every country, when March was born, people used to go from village to village, from house to house, drinking soup, and enjoying each other's company. At the same time, it seems that he is living among the Kazakhs, and there are different opinions about the month and day of March. Some say that March comes on March 1, others on March 9, and everyone celebrates the New Year every day, when the old year is over and the new year begins: "May the new year be good, may the new happiness be a profession", he celebrates the day with joy. The New Year of Rust comes in the middle of winter, in the freezing cold, and our New Year - Nauryz, whether in early or mid-March, or in March, deserves to be called the New Year. It's time for the sun to warm up, the snow to melt, and the animals to feel the summer approaching. It's time for the peasants to rest on their laurels, bringing their ditches, which they have been feeding for six months. It is a time when trees and grass are shaking out from under the snow, preparing to blossom, the sun rises in the winter, shines on the whole world, balances the homeless with the home, and gives light to the rich and the poor. It would be nice if our New Year, Nauryz, was born in such a fun time of nature, and we would not forget our traditions and start a certain day.
Let people who know about it write to "Kazakh" that our New Year - Nauryz - clearly begins in which month and day of the year. We apologize for not being able to know the exact day of March to congratulate our students on the New Year
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