1 They watch TV in the evening.
When do they watch TV?
Who watches TV in the evening?
Do they watch TV in the evening?
(Это общий вопрос.у вас просто написано два раза специальный,вот я и подумала, вдруг надо)
Do they watch TV in the evening or in the morning?
They watch TV in the evening, don't they?
2 The boys are singing a nice song.
What are the boys singing?
Who is singing a nice song.?
Are the boys singing a nice song?
Are the boys or the girls singing a nice song?
The boys are singing a nice song, aren't they?
3 My mother has bought a tasty cake.
What has my mother bought?
Who has bought a tasty cake?
Has my mother bought a tasty cake?
Has my mother bought a tasty cake or an ice-cream?
My mother has bought a tasty cake, hasn't she?
1.You mustn't throw litter. Use litter-bins. 1.Нельзя на дорогу бросать мусор. Используй для этого урны.
2. You mustn't be noisy. Don't cry in the street! 2. Не шумите и не кричите на улице!
3. You mustn't walk on the grass. - Не ходите по траве.
4. You mustn't cross the road at the red traffic lights. - Не переходите дорогу на красный сигнал светофора.
5. Crossing the street first look to the left, then to the right. - Переходя улицу, сначала посмотрите налево, а затем направо.
6.You must be quiet and polite. Don't be rude. - Вы должны вести себя спокойно и вежливо. Не грубите окружающим Вас людям.
7.You mustn't ride a bike on the pavement. - Не ездите на велосипеде по пешеходным тротуарам.
8.You must keep your dog on a leash. - Собаку водите на поводке.
9. Don't run and don't play on the pavement. - Не бегайте и не играйте на тротуаре.
10 Be careful on a slippery road. - Будьте осторожны на скользкой дороге.
11 Keep to the right side of the pavement. - На пешеходном тротуаре придерживайтесь правой стороны.
12 Don't walk alone late in the evening. - Не гуляйте в одиночку поздно вечером.