1. In recent years terrorism (has become – Present Perfect Active) a greater threat.
2. The box (fell over – Past Simple Active), and some contents (to spill out – Past Simple Active).
3. I ( left – Past Simple Active) early to avoid getting stuck in a traffic jam.
4. It ( sounds – Present Simple Active) a great idea, but (to consider – Present Perfect Active) you how much it (to cost – Future Simple Active)?
5. I (went – Past Simple Active) to see my boss regarding a pay rise.
6. She (was approached – Past Simple Passive) by the waiter.
7. Andrew (was – Past simple Active) a very emotional man, he couldn’t conceal what he ( felt – Past Simple Active) from those who ( knew – Past Simple Active) him best.
8. The delivery of goods to your door (will provide – Future Simple Active) by our agents.
9. If you ( telephone – Present Simple Active) for help after the accident, we (shall need – Future Simple Active) the precise details of your location.
10. The doctor (told – Past Simple Active) John that his eyesight had deteriorated – Past Perfect Active) considerably since his last visit.
11. If he ( tries – Present Simple Active) hard enough, he (will succeed – Future Simple Active).
12. I (was persuaded – Past Simple Passive) by the strength of his argument.
13. Many poor countries (are – Present Simple Active) in debt to richer countries.
14. (Have you heard – Present Perfect Active) anything about the accident that resulted in the death of two passengers?
15. The students (do not own – Present Simple Active) these computers – they (are leased – Present Simple Passive) to them by the university.
16. John (was being investigated – Past Continuous Passive) by the police on the suspicion of murder.
17. New technology (is being applied – Present Continuous Passive) to almost any industrial process.
18. The possible applications of that method (were – Past Simple Active) limitless.
19. The secretary or anyone from the staff (will be – Future Simple Active) happy to assist you if you (are – Present Simple Active) unable to find documents regarding this contract.
20. (Is – Present Simple Active) the warranty durability of this washing machine covered whilst in use?
21. You must have seen those computer games – they (have been advertised – Present Perfect Passive) on TV and in all Sunday newspapers.
22. Our previous teacher (was – Past Simple Active) terrible – we (have learnt – Present Perfect Active) so much more since the new one ( arrived – Past Simple Active).
23. People who (will not comply – Future Simple Active) with the law (will be punished – Future Simple Passive).
24. Every available seat (was occupied – Past Simple Passive).
25. Those drivers who (do not comply – Present Simple Active) with traffic rules must be fined.
26. Heavy traffic (is causing – Present Continuous Active) long delays on the roads.
27. Engine failure (was caused – Past Simple Passive) by careless driving.
28. I (have set – Present Perfect Active) my alarm clock for six o’clock.
29. I know that my job (is not paid – Present Simple Passive), but on the other hand I don’t have to work long hours.
30. The staff (were trained – Past Simple Passive) to deal with any emergency.
31. It (costs – Present Simple Active) us a lot of money to furnish our new flat well, but on the other hand it’s going to look very nice.
32. 57-tonne grain wagons (were replaced – Past Simple Passive) by 63-tonne coal wagons modified for grain transport.
33. Modernization (has included – Present Perfect Active) track upgrading to provide higher axleloads
Соборы - некоторые епископы захотели иметь церкви, которые соответствовали бы их сану. Тогда и возникло новое понятие — собор, или кафедральный собор, то есть место, где совершает богослужение епископ.
В церковь люди ходят молиться и как бы очиститься от всего плохого , также множество религиозных обрядов , которые происходят из года в года , а также найти истину жизни и будет ли жизнь дальше.
В Музеи ходят для того чтобы узнать историю своего народа.
памятники , чтобы помнить тех героев или предметы, которые сделали нашу жизнь лучше.
They read many books
Do they read many books?
They don't read many books.
They are reading many books
Are they reading many books?
They are no reading many books.