4. Alex said that we had been late and we had missed the beginning of the performance.
5. The clerk said that that job would suit the students who wanted to work during the holidays.
6. The girl said that the trains which left from that station took an hour to get to London.
7. Tom explained that he had been lost so he had to ask someone the way.
8. The guide said that if the picture was seen from that place, it looked rather good.
9. Mother told/ordered her child not to be so curious.
10. Poly told/ordered me to address the envelope and she would post it.
11. The manager asked me if I wanted to buy that car.
12. The son asked his father where the key of the car was.
13. The salesperson asked if I had said I had wanted a suit.
14. The woman said that she had been walking late in the evening when she had seen a strange object in the sky.
15. The doctor asked how long I had been taking that medicine.
16. My colleague asked me if I hadn't seen our new secretary.
ответ: In 1788, Alexander Aitkin, an English surveyor who worked in southern Ontario, referred to the Don River as Ne cheng qua kekonk.
The River Severski Donez originates in the central Russian upland, north of Belgorod, flows south-east through Ukraine and then again into the Russian Federation to join the River Don in the Rostov oblast below Konstantinovsk, about 100 km from the Sea of Azov.
In August 1990, it was acquired by the Don River Railway.
It is the longest of the channels of the Don Delta and connects the Don with the northern part of the Taganrog Gulf.
Rostov movable railway bridge is a three-span arched double track bridge with a lifting middle part through the Don River.
Объяснение: В 1788 году Александр Эйткин, английский геодезист, который работал в южной части провинции Онтарио, обозначил реку Дон термином Ne cheng qua kekonk.
Река Северский Донец берет свое начало на Среднерусской возвышенности к северу от Белгорода, течет на юго-восток через Украину и затем снова появляется на территории Российской Федерации, где впадает в реку Дон в Ростовской области ниже Константиновска, приблизительно в 100 км от Азовского моря.
В июне перегруппирована на реку Дон.
Мёртвый Донец является протокой, соединяющей реку Дон с северной частью Таганрогского залива.
Ростовский подвижный (подъёмный) железнодорожный мост - трёхпролётный арочный двухпутный мост с подъёмной средней частью через реку Дон.