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16.10.2021 13:34 •  Английский язык

14. дополните предложение, выбрав правильный вариант: madam tussaud’s is a museum of … a) tools. b) ancient coins. c) western paintings.d) sculptures. e) wax figures. 15. выберите слово с первым типом слога: a) nylon. b) hour. c) must. d) girl. e) member. 16. выберите фразовый глагол со значением “включить”: a) to turn down b) to turn up c) to turn on d) to turn off e) to turn into 17. выберите фразовый глагол со значением "выходить": a) get from. b) get with. c) get alone. d) get out. e) get over. 18. выберите правильный эквивалент для предложения: i never meet anyone here. a) я никогда не встречал кого-то здесь. b) я никогда никого здесь не встречал. c) я никогда не встречаю здесь его. d) я никогда никого здесь не встречу. e) я никогда никого здесь не встречаю. 19. выберите правильный эквивалент данной пословицы: смелость города берет. a) business before pleasure. b) let sleeping dogs lie. c) don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. d) half a loaf is better than no bread. e) fortune favours the brave. 20. выберите правильный вариант предлога: we met . . a conference last monday. a) under b) with c) for d) at e) by 21. закончите предложение: pete, i’m talking to . where are keys? a) you / your b) your / yours c) your / you d) you / you e) you / yours 22. выберите правильный вариант: …apple do you want: the red one or the green one? a) how b) what’s c) which d) an e) what kind 23. переведите на язык: дети иногда боятся оставаться дома одни. a) the children sometimes afraid to staying home alone. b) the children sometimes are afraid of staying home alone. c) the children sometimes are afraid to have stay home alone. d) the children sometimes are afraid to being stay home alone. e) the children sometimes were afraid to stay home alone. 24. прочитайте текст и выполните после текста: there are more than fifty theatres in the west end of london. and many other small theatresand theatre clubs are in greater london. some of the plays last for a few weeks. some go on for years. many of the shows are light comedies but some theatres put on more serious plays. one of the england’s leading companies is the royal shakespeare company. they put on new and old plays and shakespearian plays. the national theatre is also one of london’s most famous theatres. the building is modern, and the plays are classic and new productions. the theatres are mainly concentrated in london. закончите предложение: the royal shakespeare company a) different kinds of plays. b) classic production.c) new plays only. d) old plays only. e) only shakespearian plays. 25. найдите правильный вариант глагола. all the roads were blocked: it …a lot. a) has snowed b) snows c) snowen d) had snowed e) had snowing 26. выберите правильный модальный глагол: don’t wait for me. i … late. a) can’t to be. b) could be. c) had to be. d) were to. e) might to be. 27. выберите неправильно составленное предложение: a) the story was really interesting. b) i can to speak english. c) i invited my friends to dinner. d) the party was good. e) he came home at 5 o’clock. 28. найдите правильный вариант глагола. if you …, you . . your leg. a) fell / would break b) fall / would break c) falls / would breakd) fallen / would break e) fell / will break 29. поставьте предложение в отрицательную форму: david used to work at the factory. a) david don’t used to work at the factory b) david doesn’t used to work at the factory. c) david used to didn’t work at the factory. d) david didn’t use to work at the factory. e) david not used to work at the factory. 30. выберите верное причастие: “ the beauty” a) slepted. b) having slept. c) slepting. d) slept. e) sleeping

14e, 15a, 16c, 17d, 18e, 19e, 20d, 21a, 22c, 23b, 24a, 25d, 26b, 27b, 28a, 29d, 30e
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My summer was great! My friends bathed in the river, it was very cold. Sometimes went to fish. Once we caught grandpa big carp and broke the rod. It was very fun and exciting. My mom baked a wonderful summer pies with the apples that my neighbour collected in the garden. I look forward to next summer!
Моё лето отлично! Мы с друзьями купались в речке, она была очень холодная. Иногда ходили ловить рыбу. Однажды мы поймали с дедушкой большого карпа и поломали удилище. Было очень весело и увлекательно. Моя мама пекла всё лето замечательные пироги с яблоками, которые я с моим соседом собирали в саду. Я с нетерпением жду следующего лета!
4,7(48 оценок)
I am sure, in order to have a good job one should know foreign languages. The most widespread languages in the world are Chinese, Spanish, English and some others. But every well educated person in the world speaks English, because it is the language of communication, busi­ness, science and culture.

English is now the most important and widespread language in the world. It is the state language in five countries: Great Britain, Canada, the USA, Australia and New Zealand. English is one of the six official and working languages of the United Nations. It is the second working language in the European Community. In many Asian and African countries, such as India or Egypt, in former British colonies people speak English besides their native one. People also speak English in Europe. English is spoken practically all over the world.

Independent Ukraine has relations with many countries. More and more direct contacts are established with the countries of Europe, with the United States, Great Britain, Canada and other English-speaking countries.

Taking into account the economic development in our country, hundreds of joint ventures have appeared in every city and town of Ukraine recently. Besides, a lot of foreign delegations come to our country. Our businessmen, tourists, experts often go abroad. As I have already mentioned just English is the language of the international communication. That is why it is very important to learn English.

Nowadays, a lot of people study foreign languages in every possible way. Foreign-language study groups are organized at industrial enterprises, at the offices of big firms, at the educational establishments, at research institutes.

I think English is worth studying. There is a proverb "A new language – a new world". In my opinion, every person, who goes abroad, should be able to find his own way about in an English-speaking community without interpreters.

It's a pity that not much attention is paid for studying foreign languages in our schools. There are some schools specialized in studying foreign languages in Ukraine. Their pupils have lessons in foreign language every day. But their number is rather small. Most schools have Foreign Language only once or twice a week. It's impossible to master any foreign language under such conditions. That's why those who want to improve their knowledge have to take private lessons. But not all, who want to know foreign language well, have the possibility to pay for them.
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