Be careful about the use of "the" with the features of the environment. Don`t use any article the names of: Continents: Europe, Asia, North America, Australia. Countries: Russia, Spain, Sweden, New Zealand. But: use "the" in the name with "Republic", "Federation", "State", "Kingdom": the Russian Federetion, the USA, the United Kingdom (the UK). Mountains: Everest, Elbrus. But: use "the" with mountain chains: the Alps, the Urals, the Caucasus, the Pamirs. Islands: Bermuda, Iceland But: use "the" with the group of islands: The Bahamas, the British Isles. Cities / Towns: Moscow, London, Paris Use "the" with the names of Oceans: the Pacific(Ocean), the Indian(Ocean) Rivers: the Volga, the Ob, the Thames Seas: the Black Sea, the North Sea, the Baltic Sea Channels: the English Channel Lakes: the Ontario, the Onega But: no article in the names with "Lake".
ПЕРЕВОД Будь осторожен в использовании "the" с учетом особенностей окружающей среды. Не используй артикль с именами: Континентов: Европа, Азия, Северная Америка, Австралия. Стран: Россия, Испания, Швеция, Новая Зеландия Но: используй "the" с именами " Республика", "Федерация", "Штаты", "Королевство": Российская Федерация, США, Соединенное Королевство. Гор: Эверест, Эльбрус Но: используй "the" с горами: Альпы, Урал, Кавказ, Памир. Островов: Бермудские, Исландия Но: используй "the" с группами островов: Багамы, Британские острова. Городов: Москва, Лондон, Париж Используй "the" c именами Океанов: Тихий (океан), Индийский (океан) Рек: Волга, Обь, Темза. Озёр: Онтарио, Онега Но: нет артикля в названиях с "Озеро".
1) _The__primitive man was _a__ slave to _the__ nature. 2) I want you to tell _the__ truth. 3) Can I see _the__ picture, _the__ one he gave you _a__ minute ago. 4) It cost her _a__ hundred and ___ fifty pounds. 5) __the_ lecture lasts _an__ hour and _a__ half. 6) We called them once, then __the_ second and __the_ third time and thought we had dialed __a/the_ wrong number. 7) There are __a_ few points I'd like to clear up. 8) _the__ number of __the_ 1st year students has significantly increased this year. 9) He decided to spend _a__ few pounds he had on ___ books. 10) There's __a_ little juice in the bottle, you can drink it. 11) "Well, is __the_ wrong side _the__ left side or is _the__ wrong side __the_ right side? Because I got out on _the__ right side, so how can it be wrong?" asked Michael. 12) _An__hour passed, _a__ second hour passed. 13) Mr. Kelada was chatty. He discussed ___ plays, ___ pictures, ___ politics. 1. What _a__ fine day! 2. What is _the__ date today? 3. What ___ day is it today? 4. What ___ beautiful weather we are having today! 5. What _a__ warm welcome they showed. 6. Look, what __a_ lovely present I've received. 7. What's _the__ news?