What I think about homeless people,the fact that they are helpless,but not all their fault that they became homeless.One of them,there are problems in his personal life,and nobody should laugh at them.Better look at the human eye,one can immediately see a person's entire life.In my opinion I'd rather give food than money,because people without source buy alcohol to forget for a while problems.To tell the truth I would have opened something like a center for the homeless.That's all I wanted to say about the homeless!
Reporter:Jess, could you answer some questions about the Anglo-Russian exchange student? Jess: Yeah, of course. Reporter: who are the families? Jess: all the Russian students received family through their correspondence. We decided that before coming to London. For example, we invited Lena to stay with the family Julia. Martin invited Dima to stay with my family. And my penfriend, Kate lives with her family. Stefan, my classmate, and his family threw a party for our guests on their place next weekend. Reporter: what are you going to show your Russian friends during those two weeks? Jess: we have planned a lot of things for our guests and discussed our plans with our teacher Barbara gray. We want to make their stay in London very interesting and unforgettable experience. Reporter: what places have you already visited? Jess: we were at Trafalgar Square, London eye, tower of London and the science Museum. You can ask them about it if you want. They say they enjoyed the tours. Reporter: Thank you very much. I plan to ask them lots of questions tomorrow morning. I hope they will share their experiences.
Рождество - один из самых прекрасных праздников,который ждут все дети! И вот я дождался(дождалась) своего рождества. Сейчас я расскажу вам, как моё рождество. В самом начале дня,я поздравил своих родителей(братьев,сестру и Т.д.) Потом мы поехали к бабушке с дедушкой,поздравили их. (!) Потом поехали к нашим знакомым,и поздравили тетю Аню и дядю Женю. Потом отправились на прогулку в сказочный,зимний лес! Там мы покатались на санках и ледянках, погуляли по лесу , и отправились домой! Вот так я провел(а) своё рождество!