1. Two translated papers have already sent to publisher.
2. if we did this work two days ago, we will be free tomorrow.
3. I pass the exam in physics in 2 days
4. Didn't you download that file last week?
5. Teacher has not come yet and students waiting for him in the corridor.
6. Everybody understood that this student didn't make a report
7. Leave alone u, we are writing exams.
8. If you you learned every rules, you wouldn't have no problems now
9. When she opened her bag, she remembered, that forgot all books at home
10. These programs haven't been deleted yet
1.where is your home town situated? 1. где находится ваш родной город?
3.what do you like about your home town? why? 3. что тебе нравится в твоем родном городе? почему?
4.what would you advise your foreign friend to visit in your home town ? 4. что бы вы посоветовали своему иностранному другу посетить в вашем родном городе?
сорян 2 не смог : (