1 countable a,d,e
uncountable b,c,f,g,h
a some
b any
c some
d some, some
e any
f some
g some
a take, are going
b do, go
c are working, have
d do have, am having
e is ringing
a.I went to London last week.
b. Have you ever been to Spain?
c. He won a competition last month.
d. She has finished homework 2 hours ago.
e. I have not seen that film yet.
a How _do__ you_go__?
b WHAT kind of __car is it__?
c What_is she watching___?
d Where_did you saw___?
e Why_has he left the party__?
f Where_are you going on holiday___?
g Why_doesn't he work___?
a in
b from
c about
d in
e of
f on
g at
h than
i into
a more difficult
b worse
c oldest
d most expensive
e younger
f better
g the best
h the fastest
i bigger
изменить адрес электронной почты на короткий поздравительной открытки.
я хотел бы, который вы с Днем рождения и я хотел бы поблагодарить вас за то, что пригласили меня на свою вечеринку на следующей неделе.Я deflnltely быть там, и я с нетерпением ждем Вас и вашу семью.