1. выберите утверждения из списка, с которым вы больше всего согласны. объясните причину вашего выбора. для меня охрана окружающей среды: 1. жить в гармонии с окружающей средой. 2. защита природы и спасение жизни на планете. 3. поощрение более разумного и эффективного использования энергетических и других ресурсов. 4. что воздух и вода чисты и безопасны. 5. контроль за и загрязнением. 6. охрана видов растений и животных. 7. сохранение жизни на земле во всем ее многообразии.
перевод этот текст0. we learn a lot of new words. - we used a lot of new words.
1) we walk in the park every day. 2) he is a good student. 3) he drinks coffee with all the food. 4) they come to school by bus. 5) he needs a new a suit. 6) he speaks to us in english. 7) we are good friends. 8) he has many friends here. 9) they have a new car. 10) she and i are students in the same class.
exercise 3. change the sentences in the question form:
0. they lived next to us. - they lived next to us?
1) he told me about it yesterday. 2) she was waiting for us on the corner. 3) they wrote him several letters. 4) the bus stopped at this corner. 5) they had dinner with us last night. 6) she wanted to come with us. 7) he preferred to stay at home. 8) monica knew his very well. 9) you got up very early this morning. 10) they came to school by bus.
exercise 1. change the sentences to negative form:
0. the bus stopped at this corner. - the bus didn't stop at this corner.
1) he often came to us. 2) they had a lot of friends in our class. 3) i bought all my books at the school bookstore. 4) they usually spoke to us in english. 5) we always dined in the cafeteria. 6) they were good students. 7) she was my teacher. 8) i waited on the corner to them. 9) he asked us about directions. 10) i got up very early.
2 politics
3 court
4 elections
5 the judicial branch
6 parliament
7 prime minister