1. If I worked as a dishwasher, I would have to wash dishes.
2. If I worked as a costumed character, I would have to show my costumes.
3. if I worked as a ranger, I woul have to care for the rest.
4. If I worked as a cook, I would have to cook dishes.
5. Each job would give me experience.
6. Each job is exciting for me. Whithout some of these we'll not be able to live.
7. The most easiest job is a costumed character, because you should just show your costume and nothing else.
The most difficult job is a ranger, because you shoul be tough and strong.
8. I'd like to try a cook, because since my childhood I dream to be able to cook very delicious dishes for people.
2) to apply - e) to make an official request for a job or a place in a college or a university;
3) compulsory - c) obligatory, not optional;
4) to last - a) to continue existing for a particular time;
5) research - g) the detailed study of something with the aim of discovering new facts;
6) set - h) group of things;
7) tuition - b) the work that a teacher does when they teach a particular subject;
8) turn - d) the time when one can or must do something.