As I was doing my homework last night, I heard a strange noise which was coming from the garden. I went out to see what happened, only to find my cat chasing a rat.In 1972 Tim Carlisle saw Elvis in concert while he was travelling in the USA.It was snowing heavily on that cold dark night when George Bailey left his office and began his journey home.She was tidying her room when suddenly the lights went out.Jasper was sleeping and his father was watching TV when the earthquake striked.As Mary was feeding the duck a small boy rushed up to her and grabed her arm.He was not unable to sleep because the wind was whistling through the trees in the forest outside.I came across Anna as I was walking through the park with my dog.Sharon did not see the car coming towards her because she was looking in the other direction.The old lady was getting onto the bus when she falled and broke her leg.
To enjoy the beauty of nature does not have to travel far enough to go to the park or forest. Especially beautiful nature in the autumn, when I want to sit on the bench and to absorb its beauty, enjoy it. That's when you feel like your heart is filled with new colors, as it is saturated with the beauty of the world. At these moments, you realize how closely connected people to nature.
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Чтобы наслаждаться красотой природы не нужно ехать далеко, достаточно сходить в парк или лес. Особенно красива природа осенью, когда хочется сидеть на лавочке и впитывать его красоту, наслаждаться ею. Вот когда вы чувствуете, как ваше сердце наполняется новыми красками, как она насыщается красотой окружающего мира. В такие моменты, понимаешь, насколько тесно связан человек с природой.