Earthquakes are the most dangerous and destructive natural disasters. The area of occurrence of an underground impact is the focus of an earthquake, within which the process of releasing the accumulated energy occurs. In the center of the hearth conventionally allocated point, called the hypocenter. The projection of this point on the earth's surface is called the epicenter. During the earthquake, elastic seismic waves, longitudinal and transverse, propagate from the hypocenter in all directions. On the surface of the earth in all directions from the epicenter, diverge surface seismic waves. As a rule, they cover vast territories. Often the integrity of the soil is violated, buildings and structures are destroyed, water supply, Sewerage, communication lines, electricity and gas supply are out of order, there are human victims.Flooding - temporary flooding of a large part of the land with water as a result of the forces of nature. Floods can be caused by:
heavy precipitation or intensive melting of snow (glaciers), the combined effect of flood waters and ice jams; surge wind; underwater earthquakes. Floods can be predicted: to establish the time, nature, expected size and timely organize preventive measures that significantly reduce the damage, to create favorable conditions for rescue and emergency emergency recovery. Land can be flooded by rivers or sea - so different floods river and sea. Floods threaten almost 3/4 of the earth's surface.
Жизнь в гармонии Элла Уилер Уилкокс Пусть ни один человек не молится, чтобы он не знал печали, Пусть ни одна душа не чтобы быть свободным от боли, За желчь сегодня на сладкое завтра, И в момент потери-это жизнь, прибыль. Через хочу, чего-не стоит удвоить, Через голод укоры делает праздник Контента, И только сердце, что таит беду, Можете в полной мере радоваться, когда радость передается. Пусть ни один человек не уклонялся от того, горькие тоники Горя, и тоски, и нужно, и раздоры, Для редчайших аккордов в гармонии души, Встречаются в незначительных деформаций жизни.
Взаимосоответствий Жизнь по Элла Уилкокс... Ещё Vzaimosootvetstviy Zhizn'... Ещё Перейти на полноэкранный режимВзаимосоответствий Жизнь по Элла Уилкокс Пусть никто не молюсь, чтобы он не знал горя , Пусть ни одна душа не спросить быть свободным от боли , Для желчью в день является мило завтра, И потеря данный момент является усиление в целой жизни . Через покупке вещи делает ее стоит редабла , Через муки голода , анализирует содержание праздник , И только сердце , которое питает проблемы , Может полностью радоваться, когда радость будет отправлено. Пусть ни один человек не брезгует горьких тоников Горя , тоски и , и необходимость , и борьбы , Для самых редких аккордов в гармонии души , Водятся в незначительных штаммов жизни .
Earthquakes are the most dangerous and destructive natural disasters. The area of occurrence of an underground impact is the focus of an earthquake, within which the process of releasing the accumulated energy occurs. In the center of the hearth conventionally allocated point, called the hypocenter. The projection of this point on the earth's surface is called the epicenter. During the earthquake, elastic seismic waves, longitudinal and transverse, propagate from the hypocenter in all directions. On the surface of the earth in all directions from the epicenter, diverge surface seismic waves. As a rule, they cover vast territories. Often the integrity of the soil is violated, buildings and structures are destroyed, water supply, Sewerage, communication lines, electricity and gas supply are out of order, there are human victims.Flooding - temporary flooding of a large part of the land with water as a result of the forces of nature. Floods can be caused by:
heavy precipitation or intensive melting of snow (glaciers), the combined effect of flood waters and ice jams; surge wind; underwater earthquakes. Floods can be predicted: to establish the time, nature, expected size and timely organize preventive measures that significantly reduce the damage, to create favorable conditions for rescue and emergency emergency recovery. Land can be flooded by rivers or sea - so different floods river and sea. Floods threaten almost 3/4 of the earth's surface.