My best friend’s name is ( вставь имя своего друга). He is fifteen years old and he is my classmate. We have been friends since the first year at school.
(имя друга) does well at school. He is especially good at History and English.
My friend’s opinion is very important for me. I can discuss all my problems with him. He is very gentle, kind and modest.
Sometimes I fall out with (имя друга) but make peace with him right away.
(имя друга) is very reliable and honest person and at any moment I can rely on him.
Моего лучшего друга зовут (имя). Ему 15 лет и он мой одноклассник. Наша дружба началась еще в первом классе.
(имя) хорошо учится в школе. Он особенно хорошо разбирается в таких предметах, как история и английский язык.
Мнение моего друга очень важно для меня, я могу обсудить с ним все мои проблемы. Он очень мягкий, добрый и скромный человек.
Иногда мы ссоримся, но быстро миримся.
(имя) очень надежный и честный человек, и я могу в любой момент положиться на него.
1 Ann called for a taxi after she had packed her suitcase.
2 Pam and Tom went to the funfair as soon as they had finished their homework.
3 We arrived at the harbor by the time the boat had already left.
4 Thomas entered the stadium when the football match had already started.
5 I didn't start reading my book untill I had done all the washing-up.
6 She had just gone to sleep when her brother came round to see her.
7 The burglar had left with the painting before the police arrived.
8 The mechanic had already fixed the car when the customer returned to the garage.
I am proud of their homeland My Kazakhstan - is the most expensive, important, precious, beloved country. This is my homeland ...
For many centuries it took our ancestors to settle, to learn, to protect her from enemies and pass the legacy to us, the living. How much work, sweat and blood, joy and suffering befell past generations. Poetic heritage of our nation contains many fascinating pictures of the beauty of his native land, its boundless expanse, the white communities of the mountains, azure expanse of lakes ...