1. About using the internet I can say that we should be careful when we post our personal information. Because there are so many online predator in the web.
2. Internet safety it is when we care about our personal data and having information about how to be private in the web world.
3. Before using social media we should know about privacy. In other word, while posting or commenting we must keep in mind that our every action is under observation.
4. Advantages:
- great resource for education,
- communication,
- multitasking,
- a great amount of information
- useful tool for making researches or projects
- wasting time
- a lot of useless information
- physical inactivity
5. Spam - it is irrelevant messages sent over the internet, typically to a large number of users, for the purposes of advertising.
6. About internet developing in Uzbekistan I have no words. May be I will have something to say after 50 or 100 years. But not today. Internet in Uzbekistan is dead. Low speed, high cost. It is not developing at all.
Привет! Предоставляю свой ответ к данному заданию. Максимально постаралась правильно распредилить профессии по категориям! Удачи! Working with people: a journalist, a teacher, a manager, a politician, a librarian, a cook, a nurse, a hairdresser, a shop assistant, a businessman, a doctor, a lawyer, a tax officer.
Art professions: designer, a musician, an artist, an actor, a painter.
Working with machines: a computer programmer, an engineer, a mechanic, a factory worker, a driver, a pilot, an accountant, a scientist, an economist, a farmer, a fisherman, a gardener.
1. Betty thinks that cycling in the city is dangerous. — Бетти считает, что езда на велосипеде в городе опасна.
2. Thieves stole Vlad’s bicycle three times last year. — Воры украли велосипед Влада три раза в году.
3. There are cycle lanes in Sally’s city. — В городе Салли есть велосипедные дорожки.
4. Car drivers are very aggressive in the city where Vlad lives. — Водители автомобилей очень агрессивны в городе, где живет Влад.
5. Betty doesn’t like riding a bicycle on normal roads. — Бетти не любит ездить на велосипеде на обычных дорогах.
6. Most people use a bicycle in Ranjit’s city. — Большинство людей используют велосипед в городе Ранджит.
7. The biggest problem for Sally is rain. — Самая большая проблема для Салли — дождь.
8. Cycling helps Ranjit to keep fit. — Велоспорт Ранджит поддерживать хорошую физическую форму.
9. Betty has got a mountain bike. — У Бетти есть горный велосипед.
10. Vlad thinks that drivers are jealous of cyclists. — Влад считает, что водители завидуют велосипедистам.