October 29, 1978 on the shore of the wonderful lake Imandra at the end of the avenue Zhdanov was opened a monument in honor of Monchegorsk, who died during the Great Patriotic War. The authors are the Moscow sculptor Korolev Victor Efremovich, a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, the architect - Gorelik Mark Tevelievich, the head of the architectural group of the Monchegorsk branch of the Gipronickel Institute. The monument is a 13-meter-high stele, at the foot of which there are two figures - a sailor and a soldier.
Sculptures were cast from bronze at the Mytishchi plant of art casting. The city's Komsomol organization acted as the initiator of the creation of such a monument. Komsomol members earned money to build a monument on subbotniks, listing part of their salary, handing scrap metal, waste paper and even mushrooms and berries! Many Monchegorskites followed the patriotic example of youth. The workers of the Kolstroy Trust took part in the construction of the monument, the industrial complex manufactured blocks, the Severonickel Combine - stone tiles for facing.the whole city participated in the implementation of a noble idea - to perpetuate the memory of the defenders of the Arctic. Perhaps the most magnificent monument built on the territory of Monchegorsk is dedicated to the defenders of the Arctic. It is a 13-meter stele with two figures, located at its foot - a sailor and a soldier. The monument appeared here in 1978 on the initiative of the Komsomol organization, which raised funds for its construction. The stela was created by the Moscow sculptor V. Korolev and local architect M. Gorelik.
маленькая умная птичка. Жила-была маленькая умная птичка на дереве. К дереву подошел большой серый кот. Он увидел маленькую птичку и захотел ее съесть."Я буду есть ее на завтрак" подумал Кот. "Доброе утро, мисс Птичка" сказал Кот. "Доброе утро, мистер Кот" сказала Птичка. "Хорошие новости Все животные сейчас друзья!! И мы друзья: все кошки, собаки и птицы. Иди ко мне, я хочу поговорить с тобой.". Но маленькая Птичка была очень умной. "Конечно, ты мой друг. Но я вижу стаю собак и они идут к этому дереву". "Ох собаки! Я должен идти домой!" сказал Кот. "Мой дорогой друг? Ведь собаки наши друзья тоже" сказала Птичка. "Я думаю что они не знают эти новости" сказал Кот и убежал.