-Hello! Do you have any free tables? -If you wait, there will be a free table for you in a minute. -Can I have the menu, please? -Here it is, sir. -What do you recommend? -Why don’t you try the steak? -For starters I will have the salad and for the main course I would like a steak. -How would you like your steak? -Well done. -Can I get you anything else? -I would like red wine. -Would you like anything else? -Nothing more, thank you. -I will be right back with your order. *after 5 minutes* -Your dish is ready. -Thank you so much. I would like to pay now, please. -Of course. Now I'll bring you the bill. -Thank you it was delicious.My compliments to the chef.I will come again. -We are glad that you liked. -Goodbye! Come to us again!
летом Ивановы ездили в Анапу. (утвердительное) летом Ивановы не ездили в Анапу.(отрицательное) Did the Ivanovs go to Anapa last summer? Ивановы ездили в Анапу летом? (общий вопрос) Where did the Ivanovs go last summer? Куда ивановы ездили летом? (спец. вопрос) Did the Ivanovs go to Anapa or to Sochi last summer? Ивановы ездили в Анапу или в Сочи летом? (альтернативный вопрос) Who went to Anapa last summer? Кто ездил в Анапу летом? (вопрос к подлежащему) летом Ивановы ездили в Анапу, не так ли? ( вопрос хвостик - разделительный вопрос)