(11) см. прикреплённый файл
A: Is Laura running?
B: No, she isn't. She's sitting under a sunshade.
A: Are two boys building a sandcastle?
B: No, they are running around it.
A: Is their father reading a newspaper?
B: Yes, he is.
A: Are two girls dancing while their mother is singing along with the radio?
B: No, they are eating ice cream.
A: Are some boys playing football near a man who is lying on a beach towel?
B: No, near the one who is fishing.
A: Is Jim fishing?
B: No, he is lying on a beach towel.
A: Is a baby crying on his right?
B: Yes, it is.
2Do like your family? - Yes, i do
3Do you want to escape from your family? No, i never
4Do you like your brother?
5Do you like your sister?
6Do you like your father?
7How many brother and sisters do you have?
8Do you have problems with relationships with your parents?
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