Общий вопрос - Must every pupil study well at school? (Yes, he must. No,he mustn't.) Должен ли каждый ученик хорошо учиться в школе?
Альтернативный вопрос - Must every pupil study well at school or have much fun after school? - Каждый ученик должен учиться хорошо в школе или веселиться после школы?
Специальный вопрос - What must every pupil do well at school? Что каждый ученик должен делать хорошо в школе?
Разделительный вопрос - Every pupil must study well at school, mustn't he? Каждый ученик должен хорошо учиться в школе, не так ли?
Вопрос к подлежащему - Who must study well at school? Кто должен хорошо учиться в школе?
Ты имела ввиду обязанности? Every teenager has rights and responsibility. And lets talk about it. So, if you are teenager you have to help elderly people. You have to not forget about your parents too. For mum it is no matter if she is tired she cooks food and clean house. I mean, every children and teenager has to learn it from mother. You should help you mother clean house, wash dishes and just help when your parents ask you to do it. You need to take care about you grandparents too. It is important to help them, because you can never help them if they die. So, just respect their opinion and love them the way they are.
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