1. Первое предложение. Is situated
2. The two islands are separated by the Irish Sea.
3. The UK is separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Straits of Dover.
4. Everyone who was born..
возможно я что-то пропустила. Но суть ясна: активный залог - это когда кто-то совершает действие самостоятельно, а вот пассивный залог - это когда действие совершается над чем-то или над кем-то. Например в активном я сделала домашку - I did my homework. В пассивном домашка была сделана мной - The homework was made by me.
Despite the fact that London is one of the capitals of the world of fashion, in the UK, little attention is paid to the appearance. Peculiar weather and climatic conditions dictate the rules. Comfort for the British comes first - so as not to get wet in the rain and not to shiver in the wind.Nevertheless, England can be called the "country of the dress code". We all have an idea of the uniform historically adopted in many British colleges and schools. Working at most serious businesses also involves following a particular dress code. The British can't stand non-punctual people. As you know, accuracy is the courtesy of kings. In Shakespeare's homeland, they can't help but love the theater. Every small town in the UK has its own theater. Here, in general, an active lifestyle is popular. Sports are played in special halls and in parks, and each university, traditionally, has its own teams.
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- его книги на основе идей
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- его самые популярные работы
- где его книги установлены
- ваше мнение и причины