Запишіть дієслова у правильній формі.
1. Я (їхати) в Росію наступного літа.
Я як
2. Shc (слухати музику завтра.
3. Вони (не їсти) змії на наступному тижні.
4. Мої друзі (не спати) завтра на траві.
5. Ти (щоб побачити) верблюда наступного літа?
Zapyshitʹ diyeslova u pravylʹniy formi.
1. YA (yikhaty) v Rosiyu nastupnoho lita.
YA yak
2. Shc (slukhaty muzyku zavtra.
3. Vony (ne yisty) zmiyi na nastupnomu tyzhni.
4. Moyi druzi (ne spaty) zavtra na travi.
5. Ty (shchob pobachyty) verblyuda nastupnoho lita?
B. Circle the correct words.
1. The Tower of London is visited by thousands of tourists every year.
2. Mary broke her leg in a skiing accident two months ago.
3. Alice was thrown in the swimming pool by her brother.
4. The building was surrounded by police cars.
5. David turned off his computer before he left the office.
6. Students aren't allowed to bring their mobile phones into the classroom.
7. Chocolate is eaten all over the world.
8. The patient was given a special treatment for his bad cold.
9. The e-mails were sent by John's secretary.
10. The shopping centre was destroyed by the fire last night.