1. Don't go to Nick's place now, he is working. He will finish his homework at seven o'clock. If you come after seven, he will be very glad.
2. Has Pete gone to the cinema? — Yes, I think so. He usually plays in the yard at this time, and now he isn't there.
3. He was reading a book at five o'clock yesterday.
4. Will you go for a walk with me? — I am sorry, I can't. I am doing my homework. I haven't written the English exercise yet. If you wait for me, I will go with you in half an hour. I want to go for a walk very much, because I didn't go for a walk yesterday.
5. Yesterday the children had done all their homework before mother came home, and when she came, they were playing with the cat.
6. I lost my key when I was playing in the yard yesterday.
7. Ring me up as soon as you come home.
8. Where do you usually take books for reading?
B. В начале общеобразовательные школы были предназначены или только для мальчиков, или только для девочек. В наши дни многие школы с совместным обучением (или смешанные), где мальчики и девочки учатся вместе. Общеобразовательные школы могут быть интернатами (ученики живут там весь год, кроме каникул) или дневные (когда ученики идут домой каждый вечер).