I'm looking for my keys but d) I can't find them anywhere. Tom applied for a job in this company but f) he didn't get it. This portrait belongs to a well-known artist but b) there is little information about it. You can pay for this dress at the cash-desk. a) It is over there, at the door. I'll wait for you at the bus stop. c) Don't be late! Tom dreams of becoming a pilot e) and his mother wants him to be a doctor. This picture reminds me of iny wonderful vacation i) in beautiful Italy in May. My brother tried to explain the rule to me but g) it was rather difficult for me. We gather to listen to my grandfather's stories h) because he is a brilliant story-teller. Look at this portrait! Do you like it? k) Yes, I do. The faces very beautiful. I'd like to talk to your parents. You are always late for school. j) I'm sorry, I promise not to be late school. Whom does this book belong to? n) It's mine. I forgot it in the classroom yesterday. We laughed at the heroes of the film yesterday because l) they were very funny. Don't accuse your sister of breaking your mobile yesterday. She isn't guilty at all. m) The cat jamped on the table and your mobile fell down.
-Yes, i do
-if you can do it,show it for me