Нужно написать краткое сочинение о том, какие предметы я хотела бы изучать для ума, такие как , философия и то, что понадобится мне в жизни, а не просто просиживание пол дня в школе слушая ненужные в будущем уроки.
He wanted to leave home at 8 o'clock but he woke up only at 9 o'clock. Он хотел уехать из дома в 8 часов, а он проснулся только в 9 часов.
He wanted to drive his car to some nice place but the car was broken. Он хотел поехать на своей машине в какое-нибудь хорошее место, но машина была сломана.
He wanted to spend the afternoon with his friends but it started to rain cats and dogs. Он хотел провести день со своими друзьями, но начался ливень как из ведра.
He wanted to say "I love you" to his friend Rose but didn't come to his place in the evening. Он хотел сказать "Я люблю тебя" своей подруге Розе, но она не пришла к нему вечером.
1. To be angry with you is to pour water on your mill. 2. I was faced with a very difficult task, and I had to fulfill it. 3. We can buy this furniture set, it is expensive, but within reasonable limits. 4. The young teacher was upset that not all students of his class had good skills of expressive reading. 5. I can not say that I liked this performance, in fact, I was bored to death. 6. Fate smiled at us, and we found what we were looking for. 7. She always worries about her son when he leaves. 8. Mr. Potter did not say anything about the orator's speech. 9. I perfectly understand why they visit me every week. 10. I deeply and sincerely respect you, but the lack of any respect for your brother makes our friendship impossible. 11. In effect, he set a task for us. 12. Do not worry about this news. 13. Her extreme discontent did not facilitate life in the family.