I just invented the cure for the common cold. once my medicine will be tested I'll make it in a big size and sell. I ought to take it and give the test to other doctors. if I was able to create a cure for colds, then children will be less sick.
я только-что изобрела лекарство от простуды. как только моё лекарство пройдёт проверку я стану его производить в большом размере и продавать. мне следует отнести и дать на проверку другим врачам. если у меня получилось создать лекарство от простуды, тогда дети будут меньше болеть.
1. Bill has been away from work all this week. 2. Glenda worked extremely hard when she was a student. 3. Pippa __has been__rather unfriendly recently. 4. Eric ___had opened___the door before I rang the bell. 5. How long __hasNeil ___had___his present job? 6. ___Has___Tina__visited___her parents since she got married? 7. Why ___didyou putyour coat on? It’s not cold. 8. Jock __complained___to me about his problems last night. 9. Fred ___forgot___his map. We’ll have to go back for it. 10. Jane __ernedmore money in her last job, but she enjoys this one more.
1. It has been snowing since I arrived. 2. I have never travelled by plane. 3. Have you ever seen this movie? 4. We have been touring England. Now we are in Birmingham. 5. I have had this car for more than ten years. 6. He has been working for hours.
1. I'm sorry. I'm late. Have you been waiting for long? 2. Mary has been driving her new car for a month. 3. Mark has been sleeping since 1 PM. 4. We have come to this school because our best friends have been attending it for three years. 5. We have been studying English for three years. 6. Have you seen Tim lately? 7. Has doctor just prescribed these antibiotics? 8. My father hasn't understood my reasons yet. 9. Mary has been talking on the phone with Tim for over two hours. 10. Our local football team have been winning the championships for three years consecutive.
я только-что изобрела лекарство от простуды. как только моё лекарство пройдёт проверку я стану его производить в большом размере и продавать. мне следует отнести и дать на проверку другим врачам. если у меня получилось создать лекарство от простуды, тогда дети будут меньше болеть.