1- c
2- b
3- e
4- d
5- f
6- a
1. I will take part (или am taking part/ am going to take part) in football match tomorrow.
2. John goes skateboarding every Sunday.
3. Nelly usually swims in the pool every weekend.
4. Alice wanted to set a new record last month.
5. Mary's teacher is proud of her results.
будущее время (можно выразить разными конструкциями в зависимости от вероятности действия. will - низкая вероятность (менее 50%), Pr.Cont- высокая вероятность (более 90%), going to - средняя вероятность (50-90%) регулярное действие (каждое воскресенье) - Pr. Simpleрутина ( обычно) - Pr. Simple факт о факт о настоящемRobinson Crusoe runs away to sea, is shipwrecked, and leads a solitary life on an uninhabited island for twenty-four years. Many difficulties arise in his primitive existence and he handles them all with ingenuity.
He saves a native on the island from cannibals and makes him his companion and servant - naming him Friday for that was the day of the rescue.
Crusoe and Friday share a variety of adventures including a violent battle with cannibals, a recapturing of a mutinous ship and returning to England.