It is important that we eat healthily. To do this we have to have what is called “a diet.” This is the food we eat and the drinks we drink. To have a healthy diet, we have to make sure we eat the right kinds of foods. Nutritious foods are very good for us. The nutrients help us to grow, keep our bodies in good repair, and help us to stay fit and active.
The National Advisory Committee on Nutrition (NACNE) issued a report of recommendations that the nation should follow:
· Eat less fatty food, especially fats high in saturated fatty acid, such as butter and lard.
· Cut down on the amount of sugar we consume, from foods, such as sweets, to fizzy drinks.
· Eat more cereal foods such as bread and pasta.
· Increase the amount of dietary fibre eaten, found in cereals, fruits and vegetables.
· Eat less salt-cut down on salty snacks, for example.
· Drink less alcohol, found in beer, spirits and wine.
There are many alternatives that can be used to make the same dishes, only healthier.
· Use polyunsaturated margarine and oil instead of butter, suet and lard.
· Fry meat such as minced beef or bacon in its own fat-drain off any runny fat before completing the recipe.
One of my favourite board games is chess. I think both children and grown-ups like it, but they don't consider it to be easy. This is a very logical game that helps to develop intelligence. Probably there is no such other game like chess, about which people write so much and for so many centuries. This game is called "the Royal game", because it is considered a king among all the rest games. They say that chess game was created 5000 years ago! My friend also likes playing chess and I think that our games make us still closer.In conclusion, chess is one of the most exciting, interesting and educative puzzle games.It teaches players to be patient and thoughtful. Одна из моих любимых настольных игр - это шахматы. Я думаю, что и детям, и взрослым нравится эта игра, но они не считают её легкой. Это очень логическая игра, которая развивать интеллект. Наверное, нет такой другой игры, как шахматы, о которой так много пишут в течние многих веков. Эта игра называется "Королевскoй игрой", потому что её считают королем среди остальных настольных игр. Говорят, что игра в шахматы была создана 5000 лет назад! Мой друг тоже любит играть в шахматы, и я думаю, что наши игры в шахматы делают нас еще ближе.В заключение, шахматы являются одной из самых захватывающих, интересных и обучающих игр-головоломок.Она учит игроков быть терпеливыми и вдумчивыми.
If I were a popular star, the schedule of the day