Work in pairs.find in the text antonyms for the following words last- cold- left- cheap- first- failure- nothing- small- to dislike- national- winter- high- boring- heavy- similar-
1. Наш босс много путешествует. Он разговаривает на четырех языках. 2. Её не было дома, когда я позвонил, но я мог связаться с ней в её офисе. 3.Ты весь день путешествовал. Должно быть ты очень устал. 4.Вы не знаете, Джек в своем офисе? - Я не уверен.Он может быть в своем офисе. 5.Каждый кто работает в этой компании должен носить униформу. 6.Ты собираешься посетить Грецию. Тебе следует выучить несколько слов на греческом перед тем как ты отправишься туда. 7.Они должны были прибыть в понедельник, но они не пришли. 8.Он спросил может ли он одолжить мою машину
Nearly two thousand years ago, in 79 ad, a volcano called vesuvius erupted on the west coast of italy, south of naples. it was one o’clock on 24th august. in the busy roman port of pompeii, people were walking about in the streets, families were preparing lunch and children were playing. suddenly vesuvius erupted. there was a loud explosion. there was dust and ash everywhere. people rushed into the streets screaming. children ran to their parents crying. people tried to run away, taking their things with them. they tried to escape, but most of people and animals died. vesuvius has erupted many times. the last big eruption was in 1944. will vesuvius erupt again? nobody knows. if it does, it might be a small eruption or a big one. some people live close to vesuvius because the soil around it is good for growing crops. but it is also very dangerous.
last - first
cold - hot
left - right
cheap - expensive
failure - success
nothing - everything
small - big
dislike - like
national - personal
winter - summer
boring - exciting
heavy - light
similar - different
high - low