Моя семья был праздник в Англии, но , к сожалению, у нас было погоду . ( Ужасно) 3. Дети пришли в класс . ( Шумно прислушайтесь . (Осторожно ) 5. Его брат повар . ( Хорошо объясните . (Очистить) 7. Я хочу перекусить . (Быстрый ) 8. Он говорит по-английски . ( Хорошо)Moya sem'ya byl prazdnik v Anglii, no , k sozhaleniyu, u nas bylo pogodu . ( Uzhasno) 3. Deti prishli v klass . ( Shumno ) 4. Pozhaluysta, prislushaytes' . (Ostorozhno ) 5. Yego brat povar . ( Khorosho) 6. Pozhaluysta, ob"yasnite . (Ochistit') 7. YA khochu perekusit' . (Bystryy ) 8. On govorit po-angliyski . ( Khorosho)
1. No one expected Olga GAVE the wron answer to such a simple question 2. Did u see our football team WON the game yesterday? 3.Who can make me DID what I don't want to do? 4.I woudl like all the people of the world LIVED in peace 5. Pauline did notice her little brother STEALED into the living room. 6.Will u let me PLAYED in the garden, mother? 7. Didn't you feel the catepillar CRAWLED up your leg? 8.I don't want LOST your time. 9. When dis you hear our teacher SAID that we were going on a trip? 10. Yesterday I wanted a bird BUILT its nest!