1. There is my parent’s room, my brother’s room, my room, a kitchen and a bathroom there. 2.There is also a balcony and a corridor there. 3.There is a bed, a wardrobe, a table, a chair, shelves with my stuff and a carpet there.
1. In the morning Gulliver woke up inside an old temple. It was one of the biggest buildings in Lilliput. 2. That day he met the Emperor. He spoke to Gulliver but Gulliver didn't understand him. They spoke different languages, so they didn't understand each other. (Then Gulliver learnt the new language and learnt that the country's name was Lilliput and the people were called Lilliputians.) 3. The Lilliputians called Gulliver 'Man-Mountain' because he was as big and tall as a mountain for them and they were still afraid of him. 4. Lilliputs found Gulliver's comb, his watch, his diary and his pistol and they took the things away. 5. Gulliver didn't want Blefuscu to attrack Lilliput. So he swam to Blefuscu and took all their ships back to Lilliput. 6. Finally Gulliver left Blefuscu on a boat. An English ship found Gulliver and took him home.
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1. There is my parent’s room, my brother’s room, my room, a kitchen and a bathroom there.
2.There is also a balcony and a corridor there.
3.There is a bed, a wardrobe, a table, a chair, shelves with my stuff and a carpet there.