When I was almost 1 year old - в ед. числе. В этом же предложении, если уж "мои родители говоряТ", тогда "My parents say". Далее, здесь же, не думаю что надо использовать продолженное. либо так если используем when, My parents say that when I was almost 1 year old when they gave me pencils and paper for drawing, I was banging rhytm of the music which I heard lately. либо так, если не используем: My parents say that when I was almost 1 year old they gave me pencils and paper for drawing but I banged rhytm of the music which I heard lately. Because of it - лучше That's why. I like it because I can do it very well anyway my teachers say it. Это лучше разделить на 2: I like it because I can do it very well. At least my teachers say it.
All countries have conventional but important behaviour rules that could be explained by inhabitants only. So, you've come to Russia but you haven't know about these rules yet. I'll help you learn primary of them. Firstly,russuians usually cede pleces to aged people in the bus. We take care about our elderly. This rule should be known to you,for sure. Secondly,russians usualy take off their footwear before entering the house. Perhaps,it could seems rather strange. But this is russian behaviour rule. Thirdly, we usualy say "enjoy your meals" to each other before dinner,supper. It's not typical for your country,isn't it? Also,when russians have a meet they can kiss each other. We don't open gifts out of hand,which was presented to us. There are many another rules. But, we have to remember foreigners don't aware about all our rules and as long as you staying friendly and polite don't worry about your a little bit strange behaviour. Вот исправленный вариант.
Eight : thirty.
Eleven : zero.
Fifteen : zero.
Eighteen : zero.
Nineteen : zero.
Twenty - one : zero.