He was educated ( past Simple passive) at Eton (an expensive school in England), then worked as a journalist before becoming a banker in London. Он обучался в Итоне (дорогостоящая школа в Англии), затем работал журналистом, до того как стать банкиром в Лондоне. Although the Bond novels were exciting action stories about spies, they didn't become well known until they were made (past Simple passive) into films. Хотя романы о Бонде были захватывающими рассказами/историями о шпионах, они не стали популярными/ хорошо известными,до тех пор пока по ним не были сняты фильмы. The phrase `I'm Bond ... James Bond' was recognised ( past Simple Passive)all over the world. Фраза “ Бонд ... Джеймс Бонд” была признана/узнаваема во всем мире.
,, Which makes the neighbor kind" When l come into the classroom and sit down at my desk l see my neighbor who plays the phone.Lessons are starting.As always my neighbor cheats and makes crids.Every day has to help.But one day my neighbor began to help me to put a briefcaseb behind me and help me to do my homework.It turned out that he had adsolutely no friends.I felt so sorry for him I became friends with him.After that we became best friends.He began to help me in the dining room, I began to help him deal whith mats ( ну или другие уроки ).