Afanasyev Mikhail Bulgakov (1891— 1940), a pistol, a playwright.
Born may 15, 1891 in Kiev in a net and drug the family of a Professor, teacher Academy vs du. After graduating from high school, at 16 Bulgakov Postal in the University of the medical faculty.
In the spring of 1916, "Rat Pole second category" he was released from the University and went to work in one of the vs hospital. That summer, the next pistol was the first appointment and in the autumn arrived in the hospital, the man seems to Smolensk province, in the village of Nichols. Here he began to write a book " SAP Jun doctor — - a deaf Russian province, where pores from malaria, visa for a week, swallow immediately, give birth to the custom, and Garcinia put the power of a Tulip... Verse until the student has turned in the OP and rely on the floor of the doctor in the Russian capital started the event, much of the distillation determined the fate of the country. "O Present that I try to live, not it", - Bulgakov wrote on December 31, 1917.
Any ideal job is destination and self-realization of man. This work implements his ability, satisfies the requirements, fulfills a wish and meets the rhythm of life.
An ideal job just fits into the personal characteristics of a person. It enables a person to be in place and do the job.
Nowadays, most people choose for a more profitable job, ignoring their interests. In pursuit of money people do an uninteresting and unfavourite job, of course, its quality suffers. It should not be so. Work should not be a routine.
If you do what you like, you will be successful.
This is the job of my dream.
It leaves enough time for family, recreation, self-development and is paid adequately. This job is with the change of activity: with a certain balance of mental and physical activity, favorable to health and the environment. It stores, enhances and promotes spiritual, personal and professional growth. An ideal job allows me to communicate with people and brings social benefits. It is reliable, constant and brings the pleasure of the process and the outcome.