1. He asked him if he (would stay) for supper and (meet) the staff.
2. We all knew that Basil (had) to cut his hair when he (joined) the army.
3. Rehearsals at the theatre (begin) at the end of March. The season (opens) in May.
4. She had heard they (were sending) somebody from Sidney to inspect their work.
5. Your mother thought that you (wanted) a place of your own when you (came) out of the army.
6. Renny started out early the next day. He knew it (would be) hot.
7. Marge informed her landlady that she (was leaving) soon.
8. Then one day he suddenly asked me if I (would marry) him.
9. The grand wedding ball (began) at eight o'clock that evening.
10. did not know what (had become) of me.
11. Did you think you (would be) believed?
12. He saw to it that she (would get) everything she needed.
13. I hoped he (would find) some fun where he (was going) for his holiday.
14. Peter (dined) with the Duncans on Sunday. But in the morn ing he called up and asked if he might be excused because his father (had come) down and they (were having) a family party.
15. He took care that his luggage (be) sent directly to the hotel.
the earth is in danger i want to tell you about our earth. i want to say what people ruins and want they can lose. many people want to save the earth, but they don`t know how to do it. they don`t know how to protect wild animals, plants, and how to keep water clean and air fresh. water is very important in the life of people. there is a lot of water on our planet. it is in rivers, oceans, lakes and seas. at the same time there is a little water on the planet. in many lakes and rivers the water is very dirty. sometimes people can`t swim in seas, rivers and lakes because water is dirty. in many places water is not able to drink and it is dangerous to use it when you cook. even fish die in such water. some people`s activities do a lot of harm to the forests. people cut down trees to build farms, homes and roads. many animals and plants lose their homes. many of them die. this is bad for the air of the earth too. modern plants and factories send a lot of smoke in the atmosphere. this is very bad, because nowadays it`s difficult to breathe in big cities. so, the problem now is to protect life on the earth, and to save our planet for the future. i believe that we must think about our planet and we mustn`t cut down trees, dump to the rivers. then in the future our world will be beautiful.