All companies must design harmless packaging.
2) Our manager have to remake the contract.
3) Competitors must not behave this way.
4) If we do not meet the deadline, we'll have to delay the delivery of the new batch of materials.
1) Our regular customers can call us at any time.
2) This designer could rebrand for you.
3) Last year, our partners were able to sell a record number of products.
4) I can understand you.
5) Next year, our company will have the opportunity to introduce a new look
packaging for dairy products.
1) It might be very difficult to start your own company.
2) You may call us back at 10 o'clock.
3) it might be the most difficult tasks we have had to work with.
4) New employees may use the company's parking lot.
1) You should start this project earlier in order to complete everything on time.
2) Our secretary should worry less about trifles.
3) Packaging should meet market requirements.
4) You should carefully read the instructions on the packaging before using the product.
She worked abroad. – Вона працювала за кордоном.
My uncle lived here. – Мій дядько жив тут.
Harry wrote a lot of books. – Гаррі написав багато книг.
She was angry yesterday. – Вчора вона була розлюченою.
We were young and reckless. – Ми були молоді та безтурботні.
I was tired. – Я був втомленим.
She wasn't abroad. – Вона не була за кордоном.
Was Harry a good writer? – Гаррі був хорошим письменником?
You were tired. – Ви були втомлені.
Those books weren't that old. – Ті книги не були настільки старими.
Where were your parents last summer? – Де були твої батьки минулого літа?
He was a famous singer. – Він був відомим співаком. (Він більше не співає)
This man once won a medal. – Цей чоловік одного разу виграв медаль.
She worked abroad for 20 years. – Вона працювала за кордоном двадцять років. (Вона більше не працює за кордоном)
Mary won a Math medal when she was a schoolgirl. – Мері виграла медаль з математики, коли була школяркою. (Вона не може більше виграти медаль з математики, адже вона більше не школярка)
My grandmother once sang with Freddie Mercury. – Одного разу моя бабуся співала з Фредді Мерк'юрі. (Вона більше не може співати з ним, його немає в живих.)
Ann was cleaning the house while Mark was washing their car. – Енн прибирала в будинку тоді, коли Марк мив їхню машину.
Kate was drawing and Paul was doing his hometask. – Кейт малювала, а Пол виконував своє домашнє завдання.
She entered the room and screamed. – Вона зайшла до кімнати та закричала.
I woke up, washed my face and brushed my teeth. – Я прокинувся, умився та почистив зуби.